Hello and welcome to my carrd!
here it will have most info you need to know!

what content do you draw?
This account is both nsfw and sfw
what i post could go from pretty tame and vanilla to some pretty hard kinks!
it's completely random depending on my artistic mood lol.
i also like to dwell into fictional dark content such as CNC, dubcon, and abuse.
these interest are strictly fictional!
i do warn and spoiler post if i feel it needs it.
why do you draw ___ and ___ !?!?I enjoy to indulge in drawing this content because it is a form of coping for me, exploring my personal traumas through art has always helped me process them and makes me feel in control.why do you post it online!?!? don't you know that minors can see your art!?!? >:(1. It is my choice if i want to share coping art online and with the world, you cannot stop me from doing so.2. This is the internet, it is not MY job to take care of random minors online, it is their parents jobs to monitor their own child.you posting this content is insulting to victims!!!
I am a victim myself of CSA and abuse, not every victim is the same in regards of how they deal with past trauma.
Just because YOU dislike the coping methods of others doesn't mean it's wrong and the other victims are bad. we are just trying to get by just the same as you.
I HATE what you create
It's valid to dislike the type of art i create, I'm not upset about this, but you curate your own spaces online, the block button is right there, I am not forcing you to view my content.
are you a proshipper or an anti?
neither, i refuse to label myself as either as both parties suck.
get better coping mechanisms/get therapy >:(
Not only do many therapist encourage this form of coping for some people, but our art and exploration of our trauma through it is PART of our therapy, we are not bad and evil because you think you are morally superior.
with all this said it's completely valid to dislike or hate what i do, but tryin to slander me and make me out to be some form of evil is not.
plain and simple.


I hate to make something like this but with what me and many others have gone through it gets incredibly tiresome.
A grand number of people like to take it upon themselves to make callouts and spread hurtful and harmful info about me and my friends that is not only FALSE, but extremely damaging.
if you associate with these people below PLEASE stay away from me and my friends, we are sick of being harassed and having our lives threatened by minors and adults that encourage them to continue this hate campaign against us when we have done NOTHING to deserve this.sockoroni
I don't want to attack or go after these people, nor do i want anyone else to go after them, this is just to state a basic DNI and a precaution for anyone who follows.thank you